4-Point Inspection Electrical Repairs

4-Point Inspection Electrical Repairs

A 4-point inspection is often required for homeowner’s insurance policy renewals or when purchasing an older home. This inspection lets you and your insurer know your home is in good condition. Once your inspection is complete, give Taddeo Electric a call to complete any electrical repairs!

What are 4-point inspections?

Licensed inspectors perform 4-point inspections by examining four primary systems of the home’s construction: the roof and the electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems.

The inspector creates a detailed list of any issues they identify with each system. These issues or upgrades often need to be addressed before an insurance policy can be issued.

When assessing the home’s electrical system, the inspector will consider things such as…

Our 4-Point Inspection Electrical Repair Service

Once your 4-point inspection is complete, Taddeo Electric’s licensed electricians can complete those repairs to ensure your home is safe and up to code. 

With our extensive experience in homes and cities around West Central Florida, our team is familiar with the specifications required by each area, and we hold ourselves to the highest safety standards.

If your 4-point inspection has turned up any electrical issues or hazards, call Taddeo Electric today to handle the upgrades and repairs.

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